Our Top 5 Tips for Creating Quick and Easy Social Media Topics

Does running your social media feel like a full-time job on top of your rapidly growing business?

I get it, and your feelings are valid! 

Not only do you want to be creating great content, but you also want to be doing it efficiently. It's time to stop waking up each morning wondering, "What am I going to post?

Our social media content tips will help you plan your social media so you're sharing quality content that educates and engages your audience while growing your channels. 

Five steps, that's all it takes. I promise!

Step 1: Pick Your Content Categories

Social media content creation is always more efficient when you have categories you can draw inspiration from. Narrowing down the topics you post about is an easy way to get your mind to streamline content inspiration, limiting the amount of time you spend in a creator's block. 

Choose topics that keep your audience coming back for more, such as:

  • Educational Insights

  • How-To's

  • Industry Knowledge

  • And more

Step 2: Brainstorm Topics for Your Categories

Here is where you brainstorm topic ideas for each category you picked. Having four to six topics you can cycle through, like product updates, BTS, and blog posts makes creating content sooooo much simpler. 

Now when you're looking to post something, you'll be able to design content around topics that directly relate to your brand. 

Step 3: Repurpose Blog Content

Have you poured a couple of hours into creating a really amazing and informative blog post? Then you should share that content on your social media. And you should do so more than once! 

Take our blog post "9 Steps To Creating A Social Media Strategy" as an example. You could be repurposing social media content by bundling three tips to create three separate social media posts, maximizing your effort and getting as many eyes as possible on your really great blog. 


Yes, you got it!

Step 4: Don't Forget Filler Content

Social media audiences CRAVE fresh ideas. But don't let that intimidate you.

Let me introduce you to filler content. Important for filling gaps in your social media schedule, these posts give your audience a breather and make room for FUN.

You can share things like: 

  • Trending Reels 

  • Motivational Quotes 

  • Behind The Scenes 

  • Client Testimonials 

Think about what type of content you interact with most, and then brainstorm some quick ideas from there. Remember, having a good time is key.

Step 5: Create a Social Media Calendar — Your Ultimate Life Saver

Okay, okay, first I should admit that I LOVE organization. And once you start your social media content calendar, I can almost guarantee you will too. 

Creating a social media content plan literally means filling out a calendar with all the social posts and topics you brainstormed. My little tip? Plan specific types of content for specific days of the week to keep things streamlined. 

Meaning that your calendar might look something like this: 

  • Mondays - Educational Post

  • Tuesdays - Blog Reshare

  • Wednesdays - Trending Content

  • Thursdays - Industry Tip

  • Fridays - Client Testimonial

  • Saturdays - Educational Post

  • Sundays - How To

Ready to use social media to grow your brand? If you're really strapped for time, then letting some experts help with social media can be the best life saver there is.

Reach out to us by Booking a Discovery Call.


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