8 Ways to Boost Your Homepage SEO

For many of our clients, increasing the visibility of their website is a top priority in their overall digital marketing strategy. After all, in today's digital age, your website is the equivalent of the front door of your business. Keep reading for more details on how we improve our clients' overall SEO and drive traffic to their websites. 

First Things First, What Is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an integrated process that improves the visibility of your website on search engines. SEO strategies can be implemented into social media strategies to enhance your account's reach and following. 

Search engine optimization strategies are categorized into four subsections:

  • On-page SEO

  • Off-page SEO

  • Technical SEO

  • Local SEO

Overall, SEO's purpose is to increase the quality and quantity of your web traffic. We offer customized web design and branding services for clients across a diverse range of industries.

Here Are Our Top 8 Strategies for Improving Our Client's SEO Strategy

Quality, quality, quality: The best way to improve your website's SEO is by providing your visitors with quality, value-based content. This content should be well written and designed to meet your target audience's needs, wants and interests. In the land of SEO, quality over quantity always rules. 

Consider speed and functionality: Search engines prioritize websites designed for the user experience and superior functionality. The primary way to ensure your search engine functionality is up to standard is to focus on improving your site's loading speed. 

Implement well-researched keywords: 

Focus on the technical: Search engines rank websites based on different factors on your website. These factors include page titles, URLs and meta descriptions. 

Optimize your website for mobile: According to Statista.com, almost 59% of all web traffic in the second quarter of 2022 was from mobile devices instead of desktop computers. You can improve your search engine ranking by ensuring your website is optimized for mobile. Our web design services can help ensure your website is effective both on screen and on mobile!

Track your metrics: Improving your site's SEO is not an overnight task. It may take several months or even years to improve your SEO to the first-page ranking of search engines. We recommend all of our clients track their Google Metrics to track their SEO performance and take note of significant changes in your rankings. 

Add backlinks: Backlinks (sometimes called inbound links) are links on websites other than your own that link back to your website. Think of it as a referral from another website or social media platform. The quality and quantity of your backlinks can make or break your search engine ranking. 

Focus on evergreen content: Evergreen content is content that always stays "fresh." This content is valuable no matter when your visitors come across it and will continue to prompt website visitors no matter the day. Not sure how to create Evergreen content? Book a 1:1 Strategy Consultation with our expert team to create a content marketing strategy that converts and influences. 

What's Next?

For more great tips on improving your website, visit our recent blog, "6 Signs You Need a Website Refresh." 

At StoryWell Marketing, we have the tools and expertise to help maximize your search engine optimization and digital marketing campaigns. 

For more information about our full suite of services, contact us today!


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