Social Media Marketing During A Recession

Did you put “ show up more on social media” on your 2023 brand goals? GREAT! 

→ Hootsuite's latest Social Trends Report anticipates social media will lead marketing budgets in 2023.

The question is, what should YOU be planning for?

1. Authenticity - Your clients want a RAW, unfiltered, authentic you from both a brand and founder's perspective. 

2. Interaction - Engagement was one thing. Now the algorithms want interaction. Putting the human back into social media, platforms are ramping up to create a two-way dialogue with your followers – and will reward you if you deploy them well.

3. Human touch - It's a combination of UGC (user-generated content) or IGC alongside a fresh take on brand content. Maximizing the potential of peer-to-peer communication and leaning into that thirst for authenticity means YOU NEED to prioritize content that stars 'real' users rather than models. 

How do you incorporate these updates into your strategy (the one we're going to help you build)?

  • Plan your content in much more casual environments, which your users prefer. This means your photo shoots need to be in spaces, places, and with people that don't feel made-up and posed.

  • Ensure that your content feels much more conversational than salesy. Your fans don't need to know about every sale or service you provide. Instead, your content needs to show more of your business's 'inner workings' and drop the polished sheen we're used to seeing.

Nail Down Your Social Media Strategy

When it comes to crafting your content, our team of fractional marketers ensures everything is being done strategically, right down to each hashtag we include. 

Make 2023 the year you use your social media with PURPOSE - we can help! 

Fill out our Discovery Form.


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